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HotDocs JavaScript API


This is the typescript build of the interview. Please note, this repository will be replaced by I2 (https://dev.azure.com/hotdocshub/hubadvance/_git/i2).

Interview Wrapper

In order to ease the integration of the new interview, a wrapper has been built which encapsulates this code.

In order to use a local version of the wrapper, and by extension i2, run the following command in the I2 repo:

cd ./interview
npm link

Then in the same folder as this README, run this command:

npm link @hotdocs/interview-wrapper

This will update the npm dependency on the interview wrapper to use your local build of it. In order to pick up changes in the i2 repo, the solution will need to be restarted due to the manner in which the distributables are copied into the IIS server.